Changing potion cooldowns now requires you to rebalance other forms of healing.
A further temporary boost to 600 health capacity can be achieved using a Lifeforce Potion. The Terraria Calamity mod adds over 150 new items to the game. With 15 Life Crystals and 20 Life Fruits used, a character can reach 20 gold hearts, which equals 500 health capacity. Later in the game, the character can use Life Fruit to increase the capacity of their hearts by 5 health each, signified by permanently turning the color of each heart gold. This can be done until the health meter reaches 20 red hearts (400 health). Health capacity can be increased using Life Crystals, which add a single red heart each to the health meter permanently, increasing health capacity by 20 each. New characters begin with 5 red hearts, i.e. Regeneration can also be boosted using various equipable items, potions, and placed furniture items that cause area-effect buffs ( Heart Lantern, Campfire). Health regenerates when the character stops taking damage, and occurs at ever-increasing rates the longer the character avoids further damage, with a further rate boost if the character stands still.
On the Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version, Old. Greater Healing Potions can be crafted or obtained from Hardmode bosses and Biome Mimics. Consumption will trigger the Potion Sickness debuff. Taking damage causes health to drop, signified by the meter fading from right to left. The Greater Healing Potion is a Hardmode / pre-Hardmode potion that restores 150 health. Each red heart shown represents 20 health, and each gold heart represents 25 health. Terraria potions come in the form of healing or mana recovery. Health is the character's life count, represented by a meter of heart icons at the top-right of the screen. When the player reaches below 1/4 of their Max Health, the band makes the player.